李富田,男,博士,校聘副教授。研究方向为浮游植物环境生理学,主要聚焦于全球气候变化引起的二氧化碳、营养盐、温度等环境因子变化对浮游植物光合生理的影响。以第一作者在Global Change Biology,ICES Journal of Marine Science及Biogeosciences等国际高水平刊物发表SCI论文3篇,另作为共同作者发表SCI论文5篇。
· 代表性论文
(1) Futian Li, John Beardall, Kunshan Gao (2018) Diatom performance in a future ocean: interactions between nitrogen limitation, temperature, and CO2-induced seawater acidification. ICES Journal of Marine Science, In Press. (JCR大类2区TOP期刊).
(2) Futian Li, John Beardall, Sinéad Collins, Kunshan Gao (2017) Decreased photosynthesis and growth with reduced respiration in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown under elevated CO2 over 1800 generations. Global Change Biology, 23, 127-137. (JCR大类1区TOP期刊).
(3) Futian Li, Yaping Wu, David A. Hutchins, Feixue Fu, Kunshan Gao (2016) Physiological responses of coastal and oceanic diatoms to diurnal fluctuations in seawater carbonate chemistry under two CO2 concentrations. Biogeosciences, 13, 6247-6259. (JCR大类2区).
(4) Xin Lin, Ruiping Huang, Yan Li, Futian Li, Yaping Wu, David A. Hutchins, Minhan Dai, Kunshan Gao (2018) Interactive network configuration maintains bacterioplankton community structure under elevated CO2 in a eutrophic coastal mesocosm experiment. Biogeosciences, 15, 551-565. (JCR大类2区).
(5) Tifeng Wang, Shanying Tong, Nana Liu, Futian Li, Mark L. Wells, Kunshan Gao (2017) The fatty acid content of plankton is changing in subtropical coastal waters as a result of OA: Results from a mesocosm study. Marine Environmental Research, 132, 51-62. (JCR大类3区).
(6) Guang Gao, Peng Jin, Nana Liu, Futian Li, Shanying Tong, David A. Hutchins, Kunshan Gao (2017) The acclimation process of phytoplankton biomass, carbon fixation and respiration to the combined effects of elevated temperature and pCO2 in the northern South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 118, 213-220. (JCR大类3区).
(7) Nana Liu, Shanying Tong, Xiangqi Yi, Yan Li, Zhenzhen Li, Hangbin Miao, Tifeng Wang, Futian Li et al. (2017) Carbon assimilation and losses during an ocean acidification mesocosm experiment, with special reference to algal blooms. Marine Environmental Research, 129, 229-235. (JCR大类3区).
(8) Peng Jin, Guang Gao, Xin Liu, Futian Li, Shanying Tong, Jiancheng Ding et al. (2016) Contrasting photophysiological characteristics of phytoplankton assemblages in the northern South China Sea. Plos One. 11(5): e0153555. (JCR大类3区).
· 主持或参加科研项目
李富田(1/1),Decreased photosynthesis and growth with reduced respiration in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown under elevated CO2 over 1800 generations,中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会,中国藻类学研究优秀论文奖,二等奖,2017